Saturday, July 3, 2010

Back to the Blogging World

So, I haven't blogged in a couple of months, but I have been super busy with school and haven't had the time! But since the last blog, Ryan and I got MARRIED! We are loving every single minute of married life. We had to wait to go on our honeymoon because of my school schedule. We went to Jamaica and had so much fun! We definitely want to go back and would highly recommend it to anyone!

In May, our friends Brett and Samantha had an engagement party in Tampa. We had so much fun celebrating their wonderful occasion! But since then, our live have been pretty quiet! Ryan is starting law school in August, so we've been doing a lot of relaxing since both of us will be in school. I've started my second semester of PT school, and when they said it was going to be the hardest semester, they weren't kidding! It has been one stressful semester. But it's more than half way over!

Well, I'm going to try and keep this updated for now on! But until are some pictures of the wedding and honeymoon!

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