Sunday, November 1, 2009

The End of October

There has been a lot that has happened since last post. First off, my daddy broke his leg on October 23 and has been pretty depressed about that. It makes me sad too because I'm 5 hours away and can't help him with anything. All I've been able to do is give him my expertise advice since I did major in Exercise and Sports Science in college. Daddy was debating whether or not to have surgery because he hates that he can't do anything. He made the right decision and is having surgery this Wednesday, November 4. Please pray for a strong recovery.

Ryan and I got to spend the day at Disney Quest and putt-putt thanks to my best friend, Nicole, for giving us their left-over tickets :) We did that last Sunday and had a blast!! We were going to go to the water park; however, it was only about 75 degrees that day, so we would have been a tad bit chilly.

Also, our house is coming along so fast and now we have less than a month until we close on it! We are getting so excited about it! Here are a few pictures of the updated house (it has been updated even more but I haven't taken pictures yet, those will come later)!

Ryan and I had a few trick-or-treaters, and that was pretty fun, except we ran out of candy before all the trick-or-treaters got throught the neighborhood. We had a lot of fun though. Today, my sister sent me a message about this awesome church service she went to. She told me I could watch it online. I thought this would be pretty cool since Ryan and I haven't found a church down here yet. And how convienient the church series on Don't Get Married Until....just started today. I really enjoyed it and look forward to watching online again next Sunday. Now it's back to another work week :) Until next time!

P.S. It's by birthday month!!

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