Sunday, November 22, 2009

It's Beginning to Look a Lot like Thanksgiving! (And my Birthday!)

Since the last post, not much has been going on. We went home for the Carolina vs. Florida game, which was a lot of fun minus the rude Florida fans that sat behind us! We got to catch up with old friends, each chicken bog, and spend time with family. That Sunday, we helped Ryan's sister find a red shirt for her DECA competition. Then we had to head back for work on Monday morning! So it was a short, but great weekend!

This past week was just a normal work week. However, on Thursday night we went to A1A Ale Works because they were tapping their winter ale (and it was free). Ryan and I decided to eat some beer cheese soup at the bar too. And much to our surprise, we started talking to a man at the bar who ended up paying for our meal! It was sooooo nice and we were soooo thankful for that!

This weekend we had a lot of errands to run. We had to get more bubbles for the wedding reception, ribbon to tie on the bubbless, my dad a birthday present, exchange my birthday present for a bigger size, get my hair cut, and go look at our new house! I even bought Ryan's wedding present :) Here are some pictures of the house almost complete:

Well, tomorrow is my daddy's birthday! And we are going home for Thanksgiving and my birthday! We are so excited about that! So, until next time....

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