Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Couple Days To Look Forward To

Last weekend, Pat and his girlfriend LeAnna came to visit for the 4th of July.  We had a great time with them, and it was nice just to relax for a change.  We went to Dave and Busters on Friday night (where we got our fun on, as the boys would say). Since it rained the entire weekend, the girls went shopping on Saturday while the boys played golf.  Saturday night we cooked out and had a relaxing night.  Sunday we went to downtown St. Augustine to watch the fireworks, which were pretty good.  Then Monday was back to studying for me.

Not too much is going on this weekend or this week (other than 2 tests). But, my family will be here next Friday, and I can't wait for that!! We are going to Universal Studios on Saturday! So, until next time...

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