Thursday, August 6, 2009

7 Months!!!

Well, 7 months from today I'm marring my best friend! I'm soooo excited, yet soooo stressed. I have the majority of my planning finished. However, my DJ backed out on us about a month ago, so we are still trying to find one within reason of our budget. Next on the list to get done after booking the DJ is flowers. My bestie, Nicole and I were trying to decide which flowers I should use...we came up with tulips, daffodils, or roses. Let me know if anyone has any advice. Decisions, decisions...

Yesterday, I got to talk to my sister, Walker, and Barley (the dog) on Skype. It was sooo much fun and I can't wait to see them this weekend. Ryan and I cleaned out our closet so we are taking the clothes to Plato's Closet today; hopefully, we will get some extra cash for our donations :)

I've been on my diet/exercise routine for exactly one week; however, I don't see any results yet :( But I'm not getting my hopes up. I've been doing the Biggest Loser workout video, and boy does that work you! Ryan and I are saving our money right now, so once we get to where we want to be with that we are going to join a gym, but until then I'll be doing workout videos and running around the neighborhood.

I probably won't be updating this weekend since my family will be here, so until next week...Have a fabulous weekend :)

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