Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Start of Something New

So, it's been about a week since I've updated. So here's what's been going on. Last weekend, my parents, sister, Walker, and Barley came to visit. It was nice just to catch up and see them since it had been about 3 weeks. Friday night we went to a seafood restaurant called Saltwater Cowboys and it was delicious! After dinner, we just went back to our house and chatted/relaxed. Saturday morning, Ryan got up to go meet his parents to trade in his X-terra for something with better gas mileage. He got a black 2 door Honda Civic. While Ryan was doing that my family and I went to the beach for the day. We took the dogs and it was sooooo much fun! We grilled steaks that night and relaxed once again. Sunday, we just went to lunch at CrackerBarrel and then they packed up their stuff and headed home. Ryan and I went over to the neighbors that night for drinks and got to know them a little better.

This week has been pretty much unproductive. Tuesday I started my new job at the Polo outlet, but I was only there for 2 hours since it was orientation. My first official day is this coming Tuesday, so we will see how that goes. Ryan's been at work all day so the dog and I have been learning new tricks. He now knows how to speak and we are currently working on how to shake.

We don't have anything planned for the weekend. We are hoping to go back home next weekend since it's my sister's birthday, but it all depends on my work schedule. I also need to go home so I can try on my bridesmaid dress for Aimee's wedding, try on my wedding dress so I can get my veil, and meet with Jennifer and Jessica to get fitted for their bridesmaid dress; however, I'm not sure when I'm going to get all of that done! Well, that's about all for now, so until next time :)

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